Donate Here!
LHS '77 Alums fly this flag at every Orleans Jazz Fest!
LHS '77 Alums fly this flag at every Orleans Jazz Fest!
 Become a Class Sponsor or Make a Donation
Scroll Down to Bottom of Page to Make Your Donation 
Donations help us plan bigger, better, splashier, more amazing reunion events without worrying that we will go broke. It helps us reduce our overall costs, keep our ticket prices down thereby allowing more classmates to attend, and also helps to fund our class scholarship.

John R. Morgan is the King of Raising Funds and is once again heading up our Sponsorships.

He'd love to hear from past sponsors as well as new sponsors to assist in our efforts. To date, our sponsorships are down and he is working to turn that around.

If you can help, contact John directly.
He's John R. Morgan on Facebook and his cell is 404-664-6457. 

All Sponsors will be recognized with signage throughout the reunion and have our undying thanks for your support of the LHS Class of ‘77. 

Donation Levels:
Platinum Sponsor - $1000 & Up
Gold Sponsor - $500-$999
Silver Sponsor - $200-$499
Orange & Black Sponsor - $1-$199
See below to make your donation. Thank you in advance for your support!

Direct Donation to our Class Scholarship Fund
This donation will go solely to help support the LHS Class of '77 Leadership Scholarship that is administered annually via the Polk Education Foundation. Our scholarship is not based solely on GPA, but rather focuses on the leadership qualities the student currently demonstrates and their potential to become future leaders within their communities.
See below on how to make your donation via credit card, PayPal, or check.
Thank you on behalf of the scholarship recipients and the LHS Class of ’77!

Donations Accepted Via Credit Card, PayPal, or Check

Credit Card: Donate via credit card by completing the form below. 

Check: Make check payable to Class of 77 Reunion, and mail to:

  Mike Carter, CPA
  P.O. Box 580
  Live Oak, FL 32064

PayPal: To process your donation via PalPal, visit 

Payment questions or problems?
Contact Mike Carter @ 863-797-7048.

Want to Make an In-Kind Donation?
In-Kind donations are always appreciated. These can be in the form of products and/or services to assist with producing our class reunions or towards our silent auctions or raffles to raise funds for the LHS Class of ’77 Leadership Scholarship.
If you’d like to make an In-Kind Donation, contact Mary E. Richard at 321-277-3657.

Complete this Form for Credit Card Donations