Guest Book
Best Friends Forever at Reunion X and funny enough, none of us knew what the others were wearing!
Best Friends Forever at Reunion X and funny enough, none of us knew what the others were wearing!

If you sign the Guest Book, your comments will appear on this page, along with a return email button so that classmates can send you a response. 

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Robert Johnson
Posted on the 2022-06-21 at 20:00
After living in Scotland we moved to Belgium and now living in the Netherlands again. Wish I could attend the 45th reunion but financially it's simply not possible and I can't drive a car anymore. Thinking of you all fondly. 
Elaine Miller (Black)
Posted on the 2022-02-21 at 19:00
Hello all.  Still in Germany, hoping to move back to Florida this year (2022).  Might even be back before the 45th reunion.  See you soon.
Bruce Templin
Posted on the 2021-06-15 at 20:00
Can we add  a 16 to the font size now? Hope everyone's doing great!
Mark Nunnery
Posted on the 2021-06-15 at 20:00
Hello wife and i have been living in new jersey for the past 20yrs.We will retire back to fl in the next few yrs.
Mark Nunnery
Posted on the 2021-06-15 at 20:00
Hello everyone,my wife and I have been living in  New Jersey since 2000. Hope everyone is doing well.RIP to those we lost way to soon.
Robert Johnson
Posted on the 2020-09-25 at 20:00
On 10 October 2020 my wife and I are moving to Scotland
robert johnson
Posted on the 2020-02-23 at 19:00
I am still living in Europe with my wife Betty. My best wishes to the LHS class of 1977. 
Terri Lee Earl
Posted on the 2019-01-29 at 19:00
Terri Lee Gregg, Class of '77
Pam Bozeman Peckham
Posted on the 2017-05-07 at 20:00
it was a great reunion ! Thanks to everyone that helped make it remarkable!
Michael Criss
Posted on the 2017-05-07 at 20:00
My wife and I are expecting a new grand baby (a girl) in June.  This will be number 4.  Sam is te oldest at age 10; then Divinity Jade (DJ) age 7;  Sam age 3.  Looking forward to the new addition to the family. 
Tony McMahon
Posted on the 2017-04-16 at 20:00
new video/song for class of '77 reunion:

Triple XXX X = XL (it's yuge!)
Dreadnaught ‘77 still kickin’ ass
Roll back the clock? I’ll have to pass!
Take some time, & roll in the grass…
...or go ahead, freakin’ hit the gas!
Well, it’s reunion time & I’m feeling tight,
Got a long way to feelin’ alright.
But I won’t go down without a fight!
I’m gonna die soon… just not tonight…
And it’s yuge! ...yeah, it’s really yuge!
She has come from far away,
Not much time for her to stay.
she can’t express what she wants to say,
reunion noize gets in the way!
And it’s yuge!,  ... yeah, it’s freakin’ yuge

Triple X plus X, Triple X plus X
She struggles with life, loves her family a lot
Wants to do better, gives it some thought
She’s got a plan, it’s really hot.
Now she’s in her pj’s in the parking lot!
Timmy was bored, squeezing his purple....
(there’s no word that rhymes with purple)
Hmmm, gotta think of something quick…
 …a purple nurple? (That’s just sick!)
But it’s yuge! It’s freakin’ yuge baby!
Triple X plus X! Triple X plus X!
...I’ll see you again, I’ll see you again, I’ll see you again, I’’ see you and again and again and again….

Paul Van Eepoel
Posted on the 2017-04-16 at 20:00
Can't wait to meet old friends and make new ones !
John Morgan
Posted on the 2017-03-24 at 20:00
Hey everyone.  Hope you are having a great year so far.  I hope all of you are planning on attending our 40th HS Reunion.  A lot of great people have put in a lor of great planning.  I personally think it is going to be the best one ever.  Please take a moment to buy your tickets and book your room.  If you are not attending would you consider making donation through the donation tab on the left to help us with all the expenses and to help your fellow classmates attending have the best available and a really good time.   Hope to see you all John
Susan Spicker
Posted on the 2017-02-28 at 19:00
Cannot wait for the reunion!  
Robert \"Bobby\" Johnson
Posted on the 2017-02-19 at 19:00
Hi Everyone. I last signed the guest book about a year and a half ago. My family and I are doing fine. After LHS graduation I spent 20 years in the USAF and retired. Living in the Netherlands since that time and doing well. I have a home here not far from my stepchildren. They have children of their own and live goes on. Don't know if I can make the 40th anniversary reunion but I'll try. Wishing everyone well and love you all
Renee Walker
Posted on the 2017-01-19 at 19:00
Hello fellow naughts, sorry I\'ve been out of touch I\'m not lost, just living life in Georgia. Taking care of my parents. Working at Ingles I\'m a deli manager and have been for about 7 years Now. Hope my fellow naughts keep me posted. Love to all.
Roland Costine
Posted on the 2016-10-04 at 20:00
just checking in to say Hi!
Mary Aletha Belford Brown
Posted on the 2016-09-21 at 20:00
Please send me information in reference to upcoming class reunion information.
Bill Wood
Posted on the 2016-05-17 at 20:00
Hello everyone...
Tony McMahon
Posted on the 2015-12-26 at 19:00
Hello all class of '77 classmates! I have a new album available -  anything u can do to promote or share please do! thanks Tony
Mary Richard
Posted on the 2015-02-03 at 19:00
Ahoy all LHS Class of '77 band 'o pirates 'n wenches, thar gunna be a gatherin' on January 31st fer th' 2015 Gasparilla Invasion in Tampa. We'll gather at Scott Schiltz' home ship located at 1822 Sunrise Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33760 at 8:30 a.m. 'n drive over fer th' flotilla 'n parade from thar. Later that day, we'll gather at Scott’s Cross-Eyed Mary's Bar fer libations 'n a cookout. Be sure to dress in ye best scurvy pirate outfits, brin' along a dish, somethin' fer th' grill, or brew, 'n join in th' a ruckas! If ye plan to join in th' debauchery let me be knowin' so we can plan accordin'ly. Sorry fer th' early meetin’ hour, but traffic be a scallywag if ye make it any later.
Robert \"Bobby\" Johnson
Posted on the 2015-02-03 at 19:00
Hi Everyone,

Sending you love and greetings from the Netherlands and hope everyone is doing well.


Robert (class of 77 --the guy with no picture in the year book)
Moody Chisholm
Posted on the 2014-01-24 at 19:00
Hi everybody. Wish you all the best. Did anyone else see the holiday safety video on delta Airlines?  David Lang is the guy doing the safety presentation.  I flew a lot so saw it many times and always told whoever I was sitting by that "I went to school with that guy!"   Too funny.  We know a celebrity!
Rick Beale
Posted on the 2012-12-21 at 19:00
Am I the first one in our class to have hip replacement surgery?
Bob Streets
Posted on the 2012-10-14 at 20:00
Sorry I missed you all at the last reunion, but as I\'ve gotten older the more I realize I\'m where God lead\'s me. Looking forward to seeing all of you again one day.
Kellie McFarland ( Manning)
Posted on the 2012-08-18 at 20:00
 Hi All,Not sure if anyone remembers me but I went to Southwest Junior High then 1 year at Lakeland Senior High. I would have grduated with you in 77 but because of my dad\'s job we had to move. I spent 2 years in Nevada and my graduating year was in San Diego. Because I did not have enough credits to graduate I had to go to summer school. I have always felt that Lakeland was my home school.  I so remember alot of you here. Some friends that are still in my memory are Lori Veale, Diane Penn and Skip Scisim..I stiill have my yearbook. I would love to be added to any upcoming reunions. it would be a blast from the past for me.
John Morgan
Posted on the 2012-08-06 at 20:00
The reunion was great. The cruise was a blast.  Wow what you missed if you did not attend.  Class of 77 still rocks.  Start planning now for 40!  Hard to believe all this time has passed. 
George Saad
Posted on the 2012-07-15 at 20:00
nulli secundus
Tony McMahon
Posted on the 2012-06-20 at 20:00
Just spoke with Erica at Terrace Hotel in Lakeland, she is setting up a block of rooms for LHS 1977 at $99/night. Just booked my room.
Tonya Gardner George
Posted on the 2012-05-25 at 20:00
does anyone know what happen to Dallas Booker ?
Lorae (Lorre\') Carter
Posted on the 2012-05-25 at 20:00
Couldnt make it for the 30th due to Fathers health...but looking forward to this 35th....
see you all then...shouls be great fun....
Blake Viele
Posted on the 2012-04-16 at 20:00
Any news on where the reunion is on July 21 yet? Would like to get a hotel close by if possible. Thanks in advance.
Leslie Murray Stamps
Posted on the 2012-03-22 at 20:00
Is anyone interested in playing mixed doubles tennis with Jansen (my husband) and me during the July 2012 reunion weekend in Lakeland?
Barbara Shaver
Posted on the 2012-03-03 at 19:00
I know many of you have heard, but for those that do not know Steve Shaver (little shaves, poindexter) passed away on July 16, 2011.

I know he loved many of you,

go to Steven J Shaver on FB...

blake viele
Posted on the 2012-02-10 at 19:00
Bridgett Plynaar - Class of 77 - RIP
Brenda King Besselsen
Posted on the 2012-01-25 at 19:00
John R Mrgan
Posted on the 2011-11-07 at 19:00
Hey gang.   Leslie and I have been kinda brain stormin\'.  Found a 4 day Bahamas Cruise our of Port Canaveral (Orlando) on Sunday the 22.  I leaves at 4 PM and arrives back at 7 AM Thurday the 26th.  It is just a fun cruise by Carnival.  The starting is $373.00 for basic Cabins for two.  There are upgreades available on this one also.  Would be fun. Can we get an idea of those interseted. We could use the same Travel person we used on the 50th Birthday cruise if we get enough intersest and maybe get a group rate.
Leslie Murray Stamps
Posted on the 2011-10-20 at 20:00
Is there a cruise leaving out of Tampa or Cape Canaveral on Sunday, rather than Monday, of the 2012 reunion weekend?  For those wanting to cruise after the main reunion, especially coming from out of town, it would be nice not to have to spend 3 full nights in a Lakeland hotel before heading to the cruise ship.  Just a thought ...
Posted on the 2011-10-03 at 20:00

I like the idea of the 2-day event but does anyone think that Friday was SO MUCH MORE fun than Saturday (at the 30th)?  I vote casual/semi-casual for both events - maybe make the Saturday heavy horse doovers instead of sit down (the food\'s never that good anyway).  I liked the whole idea of beach party too.  Not sure if I could do the cruise but cruisers leave on Sunday sounds like a plan.  July 21 is a good date!  Let\'s go!!

Joe Torra
Posted on the 2011-10-01 at 20:00
Hello to all of you... I know I did not graduate with all of you but have lots of good memories from Lakeland. Would love to be involved in your events if OK with you.  Have been talking with Bridgette Karr.... anyways. let me know...
thanks in advance...joe
John Morgan
Posted on the 2011-09-03 at 20:00
Yes Blakely we had a great ATL 34th reunion with more minis to come.  Here is my two cents....I say another three day event like last time.  One "icebreaker informal" event on Friday night.  One kinda semi-formal dinner thing on Saturday night and then split it up to a family picnic again on Sunday afternoon and then a 4 day cruise for we "cruisers" on Sunday afternoon also. It is my understanding that there is a 4 day cruise leaving on Sundays out of Port Canaveral.  I think it is Carnival.  Then it is the best of both worlds.  I LOVE July btw dates.  Still summer vacation time. Shawn would be glad to help out this time.
Blake Viele
Posted on the 2011-08-30 at 20:00
The Atlanta contingent of LHS had a wonderful reunion on 8/28/11...I guess it was our 34th....
Leslie Stamps
Posted on the 2011-07-25 at 20:00

Regarding the 2012 reunion, a cruise sounds great since many of us who went on the last one had a very fun time.  However, there are LHS classmates who don\'t like to go on cruises or can\'t go on one due to timing, financial or family issues.  Having only one day in Lakeland as part of the reunion prior to a cruise doesn\'t seem to be fair to the classmates traveling far to get to the reunion, and many may then choose not to attend.  A suggestion is that we have a 2 day reunion in Lakeland, and not do the 3rd family day -- instead, those wanting to go on a cruise could head for the boat that 3rd day.

Rick Beale
Posted on the 2011-07-25 at 20:00
Re: July 21, 2012 reunion date.  As long as it\'s inside, that\'s why we moved it to October, which is still too hot.
Leon Thomas
Posted on the 2011-07-25 at 20:00
7/21/12 works for me....where are we going?  :)

thought I heard an idea of doing a beach week-end in Daytona!...
Steve Decato
Posted on the 2011-06-17 at 20:00
 Greetings from the past!  Hope to see some of my high school friends someday.  Sure brings back memories seeing your faces here.Lot\'s of secret crushes!:-)Steve
Rick Beale
Posted on the 2011-05-05 at 20:00
Current rumor has a one-day informal reunion party/mixer and the next day classmates leaving on a cruise.  I\'m not a cruise person as are some other classmates I see on a regular basis.  Therefore, I would like to see a second informal get-together for us "cruiseless" and to make our reunion worthwhile for those that may come from out-of-town.
Debbie Dee Culley
Posted on the 2011-04-21 at 20:00
Hey Everyone,

Sure do miss the good ole days. Hope to see everyone in 2012. Seems like the older we get the more we want to see our classmates again. Please look me up on facebook. God Bless and hope to see you all next yr.
diane dee-smith
Posted on the 2011-04-01 at 20:00
hey Fellow class mates .  hoping to attend the 2012 reunion with my sisters doris and debbie   just dont make it in may or june my niece and son both graduate that yr.  would love to bring back the ole memories of Grad Nite lets go back to Disney World? I would like to see the ole school again since I now live out of state as well as my sister do to. please keep me posted of any events REUNION TEAM  I also am on facebook too thanks everyone hope to see you all next yr. Gods blessings
Posted on the 2011-02-21 at 19:00
RIP Cindy Hochadel (Howell); passed away a week ago of cancer.
John Morgan
Posted on the 2010-11-25 at 19:00
HappyThanksgiving to all my Dreadnaught friends.  WE are blessed.
Patrick (Pat) Peters - LHS \'75
Posted on the 2010-09-05 at 20:00


Just kidding...KIDDING!  :)

Hi, sophomores, from Pat Peters, class of \'75.  Special shoutouts to all the members of the first year ROTC class when I was Battalion Commander in \'74-\'75!

Sad news...  On our site (, I read that Sergeant Major Cruz (later advanced to Captain due to time-in-rank as acting Captain during Viet Nam service) died in \'08.

Robert O. Cruz~age 80~July 1st, 1927 - Feb. 3rd, 2008~Lakeland, Florida

We also lost Mr. (Harvey) Flatt, social studies teacher (with the WORST hair EVER) in \'09 and some others.  The full list is on the memorials page at our class\' site (

Anyone I knew from the 1974-\'75 school year, PLEASE feel free to drop me a note and say hi.  My email is

And I was just kidding about the sophomore thumbditty thing...really.  ;)

Rene Richardson Skinner
Posted on the 2010-07-03 at 20:00
Everyone have a Happy 4th!
Tony McMahon
Posted on the 2010-05-25 at 20:00
Shawn Boss Geek: Thank u so much for getting the concert info up! Hope to see everyone there! Should be a blast and a great excuse to party in G\'ville! If some folks can\'t make it here in Sept there is a possibilty that we\'ll do a show in Lakeland at the Polk Theatre around Feb 2011
scott schiltz
Posted on the 2010-05-19 at 20:00
Just booked a room in Gainesville for Tony\'s gig Sept. 10th -12th. Hope to see some folks there.
Sid Smith Brand
Posted on the 2010-05-12 at 20:00
Tony\'s playing a concert (tribut to Gregg Allman) on September 10 in Gainesville.


Let\'s all plan on going and having a good time.  I\'m coming down from Savannah!

See you there.
Here is the Facebook Event Page:

Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2010-04-04 at 20:00
Happy Easter everyone!!
Dawn Rarick Anspaugh
Posted on the 2010-01-15 at 19:00
Hi all
I'm hoping this site will get a message to any LHS alumni who wants to know as I'm not on facebook (o.k. I'll work on that! But in the meantime, those of you who are, could you all spread the news to whomever would like to know) -----Mr. Charlie Fuchs is finally retiring!
Lake Gibson High School in Lakeland is having a retirement drop in "social" from 1:30-3:00 this Friday 1/22/01.
Any of you who have found memories who'd like to write a short note to him (keep it nice!) you can send it to me and I'll get it in the book they are putting together.
He plans to retire and spend most of his time fishing!
Laura Lilly Yonn
Posted on the 2009-12-26 at 19:00
Hi class of '77.  After a not so friendly divorce in 1993, I was unable to locate any of my high school yearbooks.  I graduated in 1979.  My brothers graduated in '76 & '77. 
John R Morgan
Posted on the 2009-12-25 at 19:00
Thanks to all tonight for such a wnderful party.  It was so much fun....Those of you who missed it really missed it again.  Happy New Year. Special thanks to Beth for hosting. Such a beautiful home.
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2009-12-20 at 19:00

Wishing all my fellow classmates and their families a Very Merry Christmas and Safe, Joyous New Year!!! Please remember our troops and pray they all return home safe, very soon!!!

Diane Penn Jordan
Posted on the 2009-12-20 at 19:00
Merry Christmas to ALL my fellow classmates.  I hope you and yours' have an awesome holiday season.

Love to you all, Diane Penn Jordan
Robert Johnson
Posted on the 2009-11-28 at 19:00
I hope everyone had a great Thanskgiving and an equally wonderful holiday season to come
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2009-11-24 at 19:00
Wishing everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Gary Powell
Posted on the 2009-11-18 at 19:00
Hey Thanks to Scott Schiltz, he gave me the hook-up with a bunch of you guy's on Facebook. The cruise looked great!!  Watch out for viruses on FB, I am using a none admin log-on.  Hope to see all you peeps around. GP
Gary Powell
Posted on the 2009-11-17 at 19:00
Hello All my LHS Buds and Budettes,

Hope all are well.  Listen.. I just started a Facebook Page, it is aswesom, keep up with my kids--they think it is very cool.  Keep up instantly with family and friends.  We all loose touch and it is difficult to stay in touch.  I reccomend it!!  We could all see what is going on with each other, keep in contact and it is easy.  Just Do It.

Peace and Love to everyone!
John R Morgan
Posted on the 2009-11-06 at 19:00
EVeryone go to Facebook and look at my homepage, or Mary Richard's home page, or Suki Westra Janisch's home page or Scott Schiltz home page and see some more cool pictures. Don't know why they are not downloaded on the photo page here yet?
Nancy Calabro Stone
Posted on the 2009-10-27 at 20:00
What a great time!!!  Even my husband who didn't know anyone when we got there had a great time and enjoyed getting to know everyone.  Thanks to the team who got it all together for us.  Thanks to Beth Huntzinger for holding our table on the boat so we could all hang together.  Also thanks to John Morgan for making the Sunday night Quest game the most memorable and fun time of the cruise. (Hopefully he'll let us post some of those pictures.)   I can't wait to go again and I hope more of you dreadnaughts will sign and sail on the next cruise.
John Morgan
Posted on the 2009-10-26 at 20:00
Unbelievable......we WILL do this again.  All who passed it up will want to come for sure.  Wait till you see the photos.   It could be an annual event if we have enough.  Out of 741 Classmates surely we can get bigger every year.  Thanks goes out to Nancy Cyphert, Kathleen Dozier and Shawn Eady (oops forgot married name) for all your hard work and making this a great time for us all.  Keep those pictures coming.  The "sailing" Dreadnaughts rock.  We have a permanent place on the bar in a little beach bar in Cozumel  thanks to Mary Richards.  All will know we were there!!
Kathleen Strain Delozier
Posted on the 2009-10-20 at 20:00

Can you believe it we sail tommorrow.  I will also put on facebook but meet at the pool deck and look for Shawn "Boss Geek" and Kathleen "Social Butterfly".  LOOK FOR THE "L" Hat.

Can't wait - see you on board.

Kathleen Strain Delozier
Posted on the 2009-10-20 at 20:00
Yes John we all have 8:30 Dinner Time :)
John R Morgan
Posted on the 2009-10-18 at 20:00

Well I just checked in on-line for the cruise.  I am in cabin 8639.  It is labeled "large interior stateroom" and I am hoping that is  correct.  I think we registered late and are not on the same deck as everyone else.  I am hoping we all have the 8:30 pm dinner seating time.  It is only three days away and starting to get excited.  

John R Morgan
Posted on the 2009-10-14 at 20:00
Didn't get a cabin number on my paper work.  Are there many flying in on the 22nd.  Leslie Murray Stamps and I are sharing a cab to the port I think.  Anyone else game?  Or as just a blanket question how is everyone getting to the port?  
nancy calabro stone
Posted on the 2009-10-06 at 20:00
Ahoy all you sailors.  It's almost time and I was wondering where everyones cabin is.  Ours is 3019.    Where are yours?
Michael Criss
Posted on the 2009-10-01 at 20:00
On September 10th at 12:06 PM, my wife and I were blessed with a second grandchild.  The baby's name in Divinity Jade.  She was 8 lbs even and 20 1/2 inches long. Sammy, oru grandson is still not sure what to make of his little sister.
John Morgan
Posted on the 2009-09-17 at 20:00
Guess I had better set a new goal. No longer have time to loose 20 lbs before the Cruise so I had better try 10!!!!!!!

Yall come now ya hear
Debbie Dee Culley
Posted on the 2009-09-09 at 20:00
Hi everyone sorry the Dee Triplets won't be meeting up with everyone on the cruise.Hope we can attend the next time.
Beth Huntzinger
Posted on the 2009-07-23 at 20:00
I'm sailing!
Bruce Templin
Posted on the 2009-07-22 at 20:00
Just completed booking. Brian and I will be sailing! Can't Wait.  c'mon you slackers....get signed up and lets enjoy our 50th! better be there
Nancy Calabro Stone
Posted on the 2009-07-17 at 20:00
I'm all set and ready to cruise.  See you there!!!
Debby Elliott
Posted on the 2009-07-09 at 20:00
 For those that were in the band and went to Crystal Lake and are still in the area, we are having a surprise reunion with Pete Salvage on Saturday.  Please email me for details through the classmates section.  The most people the better so spread the word!
Leslie Murray Stamps
Posted on the 2009-07-06 at 20:00
I'm booked and ready to go!  I will be rooming with Eden, Mary and Suki, so we are sure to have an ole' time slumber party each night.  That sure brings back memories!  I hope tons of people will go on the cruise.  Until then, have a great summer.

Larry Wood
Posted on the 2009-07-05 at 20:00
Hey, guys I am booked on this cruise:) Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Kathleen Strain Delozier
Posted on the 2009-07-02 at 20:00
My partner in crime/big sister Helen (from the Class of 1976 and OHS attendee) are booked and ready to sail.  It is going to be a great time so come on fellow classmates, be crazy with the rest of us and Come Sail Away.

On another note SB and my Jr. PE, Beth Floyd Huntzinger and Nancy Calabro Stone are still searching for classmates.  If you have a few minutes look through the lost list and see if you know were any of these individual are now.  Just send me note under contact us - any info you give us remains confidental - Would really like to get the list down :)

Hope to see more Sailors signing up :)

SB Kathleen
Shawn Eady Wilson
Posted on the 2009-07-01 at 20:00

See you in Margaritaville -- I'm booked on the cruise and can't wait!

Diane Miller
Posted on the 2009-07-01 at 20:00
A cruise sounds wonderful but I will have to pass on this one.  We live in Oak Harbor, Washington where my hubby is still active duty Navy.  He is deployed to Afghanistan until April 2010.  We have a son that will be a senior in high school next year. 
Washington is a long way away from the port of call and although I have a wonderful son, I do not want to leave him "home alone" while I am off crusing. LOL!
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2009-06-29 at 20:00
Happy early 4th everyone!!! Please keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers.
Gil & Glorious (Allen) McKee
Posted on the 2009-06-28 at 20:00
We are both class of 77 graduates, we will be cruising.
Debby Elliott
Posted on the 2009-06-23 at 20:00
As most of you know, Mr. Miller had records made of the band performances 1975-1977.  I have the records and have converted them to MP3 files.  If you would like a copy, email me at: I am selling the CDs to recoup my costs.  They are $10 for one and $15 for both.  Let me know if you are interested in having this bit of memorabilia.  Also, check out the band site on facebook.  It was started by John Morgan and it is a fun place to reminisce.    
Leslie Murray Stamps
Posted on the 2009-06-20 at 20:00
Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!
Leon Thomas
Posted on the 2009-06-18 at 20:00
Come Sail away.......    booked!  :)
scott schiltz
Posted on the 2009-06-17 at 20:00
Just called and made my cruise reservation. Time's a wastin'! Call and book now.
David Lang
Posted on the 2009-06-12 at 20:00
OK, trying to work my schedule to cruise, really want to go!!!
terri jackman sander
Posted on the 2009-06-07 at 20:00
Hello classmates!  I'm cruisin' in October.  Hope to a bunch of familiar faces!  Terri Jackman Sanders
Elaine (Black) Miller
Posted on the 2009-06-06 at 20:00
Hello fellow classmates,
  I'm back in Germany (since April 2008) and it looks like I will be here awhile.  Just wanted to share that I auditioned for the German National choir and was notified last week 2 Jun 2009 that I am now a member. So, this coming year will be full of traveling for me. 
Rick Beale
Posted on the 2009-06-03 at 20:00
I recently discovered that my passport had expired.  A reminder to 
all, effective June 1, 2009, you will need a passport book 
or passport card to re-enter the US from Canada, Mexico, etc.
Visit "" for details.  Bon voyage  
Renee Walker Fuller
Posted on the 2009-05-16 at 20:00
Hello fellow DREADNAUGHTS long time  since 1977. I hope all of you are doing well and that life has been good to each and everyone of you.
Posted on the 2009-05-09 at 20:00
!!!!!!! Happy Mother's day !!!!!!! ...Hello everyone ...............
John R Morgan
Posted on the 2009-04-26 at 20:00
Hoorah.  Anchors Away my boys!!!!!!  We need T-shirts that say something like "finally the Dreadnaughts set sail"!!!!!  The art could be a Dreadnaught ship sailing away with a "red devil" being thrown off by the wake of the ship! My Birthday is May 29th.  I was going to New Orleans but had to stop by the hospital.  I am going to Scotland to celebrate May 22.  Happy Spring.

Lorae Carter (Lori)
Posted on the 2009-04-26 at 20:00
Hello all from Mulberry,
Hope all is well with everyone. Life has been very busy for me. We lost my Father in Dec 08, had another grandbaby,5 boys and a girl, but came across the post about the cruise. Hey any discount for paying up front LOLO. Is everyone from the group all on one hall or seperated????
Have to have a PJ party LOLOL
Anyway,looks like it might be fun. Also any help I can be for the XXXV  Reunion let me know.
Having fun, staying busy doin hair in Mulberry.
Be Happy and Well all
Till next time
Duke Lilly
Posted on the 2009-04-22 at 20:00
Hello all.
Nancy Calabro Stone
Posted on the 2009-04-01 at 20:00
Yes!  Yes!  Still want to cruise.
John Morgan
Posted on the 2009-03-24 at 20:00
I vote yes too
scott schiltz
Posted on the 2009-03-23 at 20:00
I vote yes on the cruise.
Beth (Lawing) Gallahan
Posted on the 2009-03-19 at 20:00
Hi Everyone! I regret missing all the reunions, life has been busy ~but I hope to join you on the on the next occassion!! Wow, time has gone by quickly!
Bill Fusselle
Posted on the 2009-03-15 at 20:00
I like the idea of a 35-year reunion also, as Neil Combee referenced in an earlier post. I missed the 30-year, and I wish I had gone! I would be willing to help out on a committee to make the 35-year event happen. Also, I think the Reunion Cruise is a great idea! I'll keep checking back to see if it's going to happen. This site is great. Thanks to those who put it together.
leon Thomas
Posted on the 2009-03-15 at 20:00
 yes on the big boat ride  :)

but I may need to reschedule some vacation time if I can.
Posted on the 2009-03-13 at 20:00
Hi All;

It's nice all of you here. I'm sorry that I missed out on such a wonderful time with you guys I was deployed to Iraq but back now. Hope all is well with all and your families.  Take care and if anyone wants to drop a line to say hello feel free to do so. God Bless and take care.
Tami James (Tamra Baker)
Posted on the 2009-02-21 at 19:00
Great website!  I went to LHS my Sr. year - class of '76.  It is so good to see blogs about some of the people I knew back in the day.  I cheered with some committe members: Shawn Eady and Terri Jackman.  Friends with Mike Carter, Debbie Kippenberger Carter, Frank Puissegur, David Lang (I was just loking at an old picture of David picking me up in English class).  I mostly hung out with Debe Messenger.  Dated Neil Combee for a while.  Don't know if anyone would remember me since I was there only one year, but was excited to find the website and see your names.  Would love to hear from anyone! Although most of my friends were from '77 (obviously the most happening class!), wish I could find some '76 people, too, but it doesn't seem to exist! I get down to Florida every now and then and will check for reunion events now that I've found you.
The Boss Geek
Posted on the 2009-01-08 at 19:00
Info on LHS Classes of 1972-74 Reunion:

Friday, February 27 at the Lake Mirror Center Auditorium 6:00 – 11:00 PM  
$22.00 per person includes: Sonny’s BBQ pulled pork, chicken and ribs.  Iced Tea and Lemonade provided, B.Y.O.B.

Saturday, February 28 at the Lakeland Yacht Club 6:00 PM until midnight
$65.00 per person includes: Dinner (3 entrée choices), Dancing & Door Prizes, cash bar
Space is limited seating for the Saturday event. First come, first served.

Carolyn Stout at 863-647-2812 or
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2008-12-17 at 19:00
Wishing all my classmates and their families a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a  very Happy New Year!!!! Please take care everyone and keep in touch.
Lori (Linder) Allen
Posted on the 2008-10-18 at 20:00
Hello all,

My brother Jon Linder was in your class.  He passed away on Friday (10/17).  

Jon had one daughter, Joni Linder, age 25. 
Viewing......Monday,  10/20/08 - 6:00 PM, Ott Laughlin Funeral Home
Funeral......Tuesday, 10/21/08 - 2:00 PM, Ott Laughlin Funeral Home
Address for Ott Laughlin: 
645 W. Central Ave. / Winter Haven, FL 
(863) 293-2133
If you wish to send a card, you may send them to:  1103 E. Edgewood Drive / Lakeland, FL  33803
Thank you, Lori
Sam Swearingen
Posted on the 2008-10-10 at 20:00
Hello Everyone,

Latest IN.....

We are having another baby, and we are 12 weeks pregnant. Any suggestions on names?

So far it is Isabell or Samuel (Samuel after my grandfather, not moi)
Jesica Beasley
Posted on the 2008-10-10 at 20:00
Hello - I am not from the class of 1977, but am the child of someone who was; Darrell Ray Beasley.  I found this site, and would love to hear from anyone that knew him.  I was 3 years old when he was killed, and don't really know too much about him.  If you're interested, please email me. 
Thanks -
Kathleen Delozier
Posted on the 2008-10-03 at 20:00
For all of you awaiting the Memory Book . .. . be on the look out for it . .. . mine arrived today.  I'm just glad after the work that I put into it, it is finally published . .. . Hope you enjoy it.

Kathleen AKA SB
Leslie Murray Stamps
Posted on the 2008-10-03 at 20:00
For those of you who ordered the LHS reunion memory books, they are on the way in the mail.  I just received mine, and it is terrific!  We owe a lot of appreciation and gratitude to Kathleen Strain Delozier for all the blood (probably literally), sweat and tears she put into this project.  Kathleen, you really did a great job, and I wanted to thank you for all the hard work and time you spent on this!!!!
Leon Thomas
Posted on the 2008-07-12 at 20:00
Sunday, July 20,   A benefit for Herb Odom will be held at Decisions bar and grill on edgwood ave. from 1:00 until.....

A donation of at least $25 will get you all the BBQ and beer you can handle until it runs out.  A band will begin performing ar 2:00.

for those that don't know, Herb was recently diagnosed with an in-operable form of lung cancer. Herb is in a fight for his life and asking for any support  since He and His Wife Melony do not have insurance.  please drop by and offer your support if you can.   thanks.
Jack Schneider
Posted on the 2008-07-04 at 20:00
Hello -
  I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who organized last years reunion and give you an update.I'm currently in Abu Dhabi U.A.E. about an hour from Dubia,working on a yacht for a rich Sheikh.This is the largest project I've done so far and will  last maybe 3years.The yacht is 463 feet long and has an aft landing deck for an Ospray twin rotor aircraft,swimming pools,art gallaries,ect.I've never seen anything like it! If anyone is in the U.A.E. look me up.Life in the Middle East is  a trip.I'm hoping to bring my family over next summer to vacation in Europe,and spend time here ,but we're keeping our home in Miami.Good Luck to everyone and drop me an Email sometime
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2008-07-02 at 20:00
To all of the class of 77 and their families, Have a Happy and safe 4th of July !!!!
Debbie Dee Culley
Posted on the 2008-06-23 at 20:00
Hey everyone just dropped in to say Hi. hope everyone is doing well. I hope to be able to attend our next reuion. Missed the 30 yr but hope to attend the rest of the up coming events. Still living in Dothan Al and I have been talking to several classmates.
John R Morgan
Posted on the 2008-06-03 at 20:00
Hey friends,
For all interested I have lost nearly 20 lbs since you saw me at the reunion in Oct. I have 20 more to go. See you on the cruise.

Love to all
Kathleen Delozier
Posted on the 2008-05-10 at 20:00
To All the Fellow Mom's in Our Class - 
             Happy Mother's Day.

The Memory Book is coming along - sort of been crazy with Shaun's graduation - I don't ever remember being this busy at ours.  I promise it won't be too much longer.  :)

Social Butterfly Kathleen

was wiped out so email me if you want so I can have your email address.

Keith Hicks
Posted on the 2008-03-28 at 20:00
Hello everyone.  Happy to report a Tommy Anderson sighting.  We took the 4 girls plus 2 friends to Amelia Island for vacation this week and found Tommy living the high life on Amelia Island.

Tommy and his family are doing great and even though he is a just a little more serious,  Tommy is the same old Tommy.  I told him he needs to come here and get caught up with everyone.
Don Gee
Posted on the 2008-03-23 at 20:00
Wow!  I accidentally ran up on your website and began to browse and reminisce.  Perhaps it's me, but I don't remember y'all looking so old at Southwest Jr.

Seems like you had a big ol' time - maybe I'll smuggle myself into one in the future.

Be good.
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2008-03-19 at 20:00
Wishing all my fellow classmates and their families a very Happy Spring and Easter!!!  Please take care.
Elaine Black (Miller)
Posted on the 2008-03-04 at 19:00
Well, I was planning on spending a little more time in Florida, but life got in the way. Tomorrow I am flying back to Germany with my two dogs and Husband in tow.  I'll be there about 4 years teaching military "stuff".  I enjoyed the reunion and am looking forward to the next one.  The planners get a standing "O" from me.  I will be in touch.
neil combee
Posted on the 2008-02-05 at 19:00
It was good to see everyone that was able to attend the wrap up party at Lewis and Brenda's ranch. As usual, the ladies did most of the work. I urged those in attendance to consider going to see Paul Thorn at Skippers Smokehouse in North Tampa on the 24th of February. The show begins at 6:00 and Paul thorn is scheduled for 8:00. I have never been to Skippers but Shawn and Burl have and they say it is great. You can google Skippers Smokehouse and Paul Thorn to get an idea of what to expect....sort of mini reunion-valentines day party. Thinkaboutit!
Leon Thomas
Posted on the 2008-02-02 at 19:00
  Kudos to everyone that had a hand in planning and setting up the wrap party. Special thanks to Lewis and Brenda for *loaning* us their little slice of peace on earth for the party. I enjoyed seeing everyone again and I am sorry I had to cut my stay so short.  til next time, peace and be well.

Lorae Carter
Posted on the 2008-01-31 at 19:00
I heard thru the grapvine there will be a sorta reunion in Oct this true....I would love to be involved. My Father is doin much better, so time isnt an issue as it was in Oct. Hate so much I missed all the parties.....Please drop me a line and let me know about planning and have my email and my cell is 608-0132.
Ok Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday season.....I love being back in Lakeland......
Kathleen Strain Delozier
Posted on the 2008-01-20 at 19:00
Belated Happy New Year to Everyone, hoping the holidays were as wonderful to each of you as mine.  Got to spend the Holidays with My Family in Lakeland on Christmas Day, a lst since Shaun was a little guy and now he is a Senior - were does time go?????  Well the party is officially planned thanks to Brenda and Lewis (and Lewis's helper Neil Combee - hey Neil once again thanks for the Jacket in Avon Park when the boys had a day at SFCC playing baseball, you never know who your gonna see).  The menu is wonderful, the refreshments are being chilled and the guitars are being packed up to travel.  The map should be on the website by tomorrow on how to get to the ranch - you all will get to adventure were the Debs spent many a years at Homecoming time making floats.  Please if you plan on coming let me know if you have not already, I would like to get Brenda a RSVP list by Friday so they make sure they have enough food to go with our refreshments.  LOL

Can't wait to see everyone again and remember this is our lets talk about the good, the bad and what could have been done different AT THE REUNION meeting, won't take long.

If you are unable to attend visit our MESSAGE BOARD (Shawn you rock with getting new things for us on the website) and post your thoughts and see me as a 48 year old cheerleader.  LOL  LOL

SB Kathleen
John Morgan
Posted on the 2007-12-23 at 19:00
Hey yall.  Merry Christmas.  Got in at 9 pm Sunday night in Lakeland but did not check the website till now. Hope everyone had a good time at Molly's. Call me if in town 404-664-6457.   Be here till Wednesday. Hope to make the wrap up party in February.  Thanks to all who are planning that.  Tracy need to get our gang together in Atlanta.
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2007-12-05 at 19:00

Wishing all of you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!!!!
              Tracy and Family

minhnguyet Head
Posted on the 2007-11-20 at 19:00
Happy Thanksgiving and great long weekend.  To everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2007-11-20 at 19:00

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Please take care and keep in touch. 

Bruce Templin
Posted on the 2007-11-17 at 19:00
I hope poeple will continue to post here. I noticed it has been several weeks since Tony's post. I had a great time seeing everyone, but barely scratched the surface with getting updates from most. I can't wait to get together for the post meeting in Jan?
Happy Thanksgiving to you all, you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Tony McMahon
Posted on the 2007-10-28 at 20:00
Thanks for the wonderful reunion guys and gals! Really enjoyed the camaraderie. But after looking through the pics I realized that I didn't get a chance visit with a lot of old friends! Never seems to be enough time these days. And thanks for letting us Phoenix boys (and Suki too!) play some rock 'n roll Friday night, it was an honor and a lot of fun. Maybe I should've kept some of those "adult" diapers that the girls were throwing around - might need 'em at the next reunion! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Debby (Starling) Porter
Posted on the 2007-10-26 at 20:00
I too would like to thank all of the committee members for all their hard work so that we could have such a wonderful time. Shawn I would again like to thank you for helping my friend Debby Gammon Elliot be able to come! It was great spending some quality time with her and her family. I all for a wrap up party also, let me know if I can help! Thanks again. Debby
Kerrie Headson Collins
Posted on the 2007-10-17 at 20:00
I had such a great time! It was so nice to see everyone and to catch up with old friends. Many thanks to the those who spent untold hours planning that weekend :)
Beverly St.Clair Faison
Posted on the 2007-10-12 at 20:00
Wow, what a fantastic weekend! I had a blast. Many, many thanks to all the committee members who worked so hard to put together such a fabulous reunion. I would love to have a reunion anniversary party or a 35th or whatever we can come up with. Ten years is way too long. I'm having those reunion withdrawals too! It was great seeing everyone!
John Morgan
Posted on the 2007-10-11 at 20:00
I too want to say a big THANK YOU to all who worked so hard for our fun. It was such a great time!!! My friends in Atlanta wish I would shut up about it. You are all so special and made me feel that way. I didn't realize I had so many friends!!! Can't wait for the "wrap party". Please let's have a 35th. I would be glad to help. Tell Ben that I have 5 years to loose all this weight I have put on!!! To all you Atlanta Dreadnaughts let's plan our own get together soon. Happy Holidays to all and remember GOD is good all the time........ Love John
Denise Sharp
Posted on the 2007-10-11 at 20:00
Wow what a weekend. Thank you Reunion Team for doing such an outstanding job. The parties were so well done, and the locations were great. What a rush seeing all of my classmates from 30 years ago. It was wonderful.
Liz Barrett
Posted on the 2007-10-10 at 20:00
Going through severe withdrawal... Is there a 12 step program for Reunion-aholics?? : )
Illana Bass
Posted on the 2007-10-09 at 20:00
Thank you to all who worked so hard to put together such a special party! I only wish I had been able to make it to the Friday night party!! I heard it was great! However, Saturday night rocked! It was so good to see everyone, and whoever came up with the idea for a "wrap up" party...big kudos to you!! Count me in! And let me know what I can do to help!! Much love to all! Illana
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-10-09 at 20:00
For those with children and or grandchildren nieces and nephews...go to you and type in Radney Foster the music video. It has to be one of the sweetest things you will ever see. Radney wrote the song for his son after he and his wife divorced and she moved to France with their son. There are several videos on you tube. View the one posted by tomscotland. Make sure you have kleenex nearby. The video will make a lasting impression on sentimental folk....I promise!
Mary Watson Halter
Posted on the 2007-10-09 at 20:00
Thank you to all those who worked so hard to put this reunion together. It was fun, but over so quickly. There were many people to visit with and I seemed to be more shy than I really am now. I wanted to go and sit at every table just to get get to know each of you again. It was great for those who traveled a long way. Glad you could make it. I live in Ocala now, so for anyone who wants to visit horse country or the Silver Springs attraction where Tarzan was filmed, just invite yourself over. We have plenty of space and are about 15 minutes from I-75. Marion County is a beautiful place. All my contact information is on my website at or
Alice Scott Slemons
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
I was planning on attending friday and saturday night but because of health problems and husband ending up in hospital was unable to attend ! From looking at the pictures everyone had a wonderful time .It was so great seeing so many familiar faces in these photos .I'm so sorry I missed it ! Everyone that put this together thank you ..Hopefully I will be able to make the next one !
Julie ( Garvie ) Stanley
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
I could not even begin to say what a great time my husband and I had at the reunion. Hats off to all the many people who worked so hard to give us all such a memorable time - it was very much appreciated by all. I am all for a after reunion ( wrap ) party ( this time I will be able to help ) football is almost over for us. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN - IT WAS SO WONDERFUL TO SEE EVERYONE - ALSO LOVED THE PICNIC TO SEE ALL THE GOOD LOOKING CHILDREN THAT CAME FROM US ( AMAZING AFTER ALL THE PARTYING WE ALL DID !! )
Sid Smith
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
Thanks so much to all you guys who worked so HARD to make the reunion such a success. We all had a grand time and, again, want to thank you for putting on such a great party. You guys need a vacation! So great to see everyone!! I didn't take enough pictures, contact me if you've got some I'd like. I'm posting mine on so if you'd like to get some copies, just email me and I'll invite you!
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
I know it was a labor of love, but Shawn and kathleen worked oh so hard. We really owe them and all of the "committee" members. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making all this happen. It was a great just did not last long enough! Mike Brewington said it earlier....old friends are good for the heart. Amen brother! I know it did mine good to see so many young good looking classmates assembled together 30 years after graduation. I like the idea of a 35 year brisket, stout and loud music! Godspeed to all of you!
Debbie (Oldham) Andrusko
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
Thank you to ALL of the committee members who put together the 30th reunion. The hours and hours you all put into this are truly appreciated. I was only able to make it Sat. night, but I heard that Friday night was a blast. I'm sure Sun. was fun too seeing everyone's family. We had to head back to ATL. It was great to see everyone & catch up again after so many years. God Bless!
Sandy Templin
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
Thank you for all the effort that went into this past weekend. It really felt like "family" and meant the world to me. Thanks Bruce for making it all happen for me!
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2007-10-08 at 20:00
A BIG THANK YOU to ALL that worked on putting together a WONDERFUL,MEMORABLE REUNION. And to the members of Phoenix, you guys STILL ROCK!!!!!!! Everyone please take care, hope to see you all at the next one, and please do keep in touch in between reunions.God Bless to my fellow Naughts and their families. Tracy
Lorae Carter
Posted on the 2007-10-07 at 20:00
I am so sorry I wasnt able to attend the reunion. I am very disapointed. My Fathers took a turn for the worse and I just couldnt leave him. I hope everyone had a great time. If there is a XXXV let me know, yall have my numbers. Cant wait to see photos... Tale care all see ya in five if it happens.
Stacey Cooper Marine
Posted on the 2007-10-07 at 20:00
I just want to thank everyone that worked so hard putting together this reunion. It was wonderful. My husband and I had a great time. It looked like a good time was had by all. I wish everyone could have made it but we had a fantastic turnout!!!! It really was an A+ time. Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liz Barrett
Posted on the 2007-10-07 at 20:00
I can't even begin to thank all of you who put the whole thing together, especially Shawn and Kathleen and of course my wonderful date David Lang, for the best time I've had in years! Seeing so many dear friends brought back sweet memories of our crazy teen years and made me feel young and care free again. I'm heading back to California tomorrow morning but will bring much laughter, tears and sweet new memories with me. I love you all and am so thankful for my time with you. Let me know if there's a 35!!
John Morgan
Posted on the 2007-10-05 at 20:00
hey people if you missed it last night you REALLY missed it. what a blast. Can't say enough about the fun. You need to get there tonight. Go to buy tickets right now and get there tonight. you will not regret it. to all the reuion team "thank you so much" Unbelievable fun last night and so glad i came from Atlanta for this. can't wait for tonght. John
Parul Patel
Posted on the 2007-10-05 at 20:00
Found out too late to attend the XXX reunion; perhaps if there is a XXXV... Best wishes to all attending tonight.
Yvonne Holste
Posted on the 2007-10-04 at 20:00
Wow! I just found this guestbook. I've really been missing out. I am very excited to see everyone.....TONIGHT! We'll have such a good time getting reaquanted and meeting some for the first time. Till later, Yvonne
Beth (Allred) Bridges
Posted on the 2007-10-03 at 20:00
I was not able to attend the 20th reunion, so glad that it has worked out that I am able to come this time. I will be there on Friday & Saturday. Can't wait to see everyone again.
Lenay Sturm Langston
Posted on the 2007-10-03 at 20:00
Hi everyone, I thought I was going to be able to come the 30th clas reunion but I am not going to be able to make it. I hope you all have a big turnout and have lots of fun. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Debe Messenger I would love to talk to her. Maybe if there is going to be a 35th or so I will try and make it. Would love to hear from some old classmates. Take care.
Lisa McClain Giovannucci
Posted on the 2007-10-02 at 20:00
Two days left till the reunion. Does anyone know where Tami Thompson, Sam Heard, or Stephanie Smithson are? Would love to see them this weekend.
steven w pearce
Posted on the 2007-10-01 at 20:00
looking foward to attending
Julie ( Garvie ) Stanley
Posted on the 2007-10-01 at 20:00
Wow - it's almost here !!! Looking forward to seeing my old sweetheart Dewayne Turner (please ask Kendra to save a dance for me ). Really looking forward to seeing all of you party animals ( what a class we had !! ). CHEERS ~~~
lance hilton
Posted on the 2007-10-01 at 20:00
sorry i cant make it. hope to see everyone at the 35th, if there is one. gone fishin.
David Zdanowicz
Posted on the 2007-10-01 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing lots of ol' friends. I don't dare use OLD to describe us just because we cracked the millennium barrier.
Judy Stillings
Posted on the 2007-09-30 at 20:00
Can't wait to meet up with everyone this weekend.
Steve Coates
Posted on the 2007-09-29 at 20:00
I moved away after the 10th grade,but left behind many friends and many great memories of Lakeland.Hope everyone has a blast at the reunion.Shawn what an excellent job on the web site.
Gary Powell
Posted on the 2007-09-28 at 20:00
Well, by the grace of God, I managed to stay out of the "Big House", Glad Tony and Dave made it out. Life is nothing less than a roller coaster! So was 1977! It is true that friends are friends forever... When I bump into one of the gang it is like we never left off... I have been in Florida all this time doing business and living life, I can't wait to reconnect. "Back in the day", we lived like no one else. Special thanks to the team that has kept this going, God Bless you! Gary
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-09-26 at 20:00
For those who have been living away from Lakeland for some time, I will tell you that things look pretty good around here. Lakeland earned the "All America City" designation several years ago. Recently, Polk County was named "All America County" by a distinguished national panel. Lakeland has become, especially the Downtown area, one of the most attractive Cities in all of Florida. There are many of our classmates who have worked for Lakeland and Polk County and who have contributed significantly to the success this area has enjoyed. Great Job Yawl!
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-09-26 at 20:00
I have always been a fool about music. It really cuts into my productivity. I am always searching for something new although I continue to listen to the old stuff. For me, most of the good stuff these days comes from artists who are well known in Texas but often unheard of outside of the Lone Star state. Radney Foster, who happens to be our age, is one of the best poet/songwriter/singer/producer. He sings about love, life, God and everyday situations we all's that chicken soup for the soul stuff...Half of my mistakes, I'd give anything to change how it ended. Half of my mistakes, God I wouldn't change a thing. You can lean to hard on regret, but I don't recommend it...Cause half the good things in my life came from half my mistakes...Yeah, a lot of good things in my life came from half my mistakes.
Shawn Eady Wilson
Posted on the 2007-09-26 at 20:00
Neil Combee is absolutely right about all the wonderful things happening in the Lakeland area, and our classmates who are making it happen. You might not know that Neil has done more than his share of the heavy lifting, as a very popular Polk County Commissioner from 1988 to 2004. He is now vice-chairman of the Governing Board for the Southwest Florida Water Management District ("swift mud"). After Neil retired from the County Commission, a major government building at 330 West Church Street in Bartow was renamed the "Neil Combee Administration Building" in his honor. Thanks for all the great work, Neil!
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-09-26 at 20:00
how true that old can fool some of the is so funny...Shawn and I were classmates beginning in 1964 and continuing until graduation 1977 and we are still kicking it up around here 43 years later....for music lovers (like me) who do not know, you can go to and create you own FREE radio station...don't ask me how or is easy and free. You type in an artist and it will continuosly play that artist and similar sounding artist. Try Radney Foster..Randy Rogers Band....Roger Creager....there is always something new there. I learn these things from children. ENJOY!!
Connie Peterson Barcant
Posted on the 2007-09-25 at 20:00
Hoping to attend Friday night...would really love to see everyone!
Jody Woods Puskar
Posted on the 2007-09-24 at 20:00
I am no longer in the Lost and Found. Hope to visit with those of you whom I have not had the opportunity of seeing in Oh sooo long. Can't wait to see you all.
Posted on the 2007-09-24 at 20:00
Dale, guess what...compared to today we were hippies, sort of. My daughter has plenty to say about the hairstyles and "costuming" at least. Thank goodness we don't have pictures of all the outfits - the gauchos were bad enough. Looking forward to seeing everyone and dredging up all the past stuff I can't remember any more! Floozys forever.
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-09-23 at 20:00
when we get old we'll still talk about the good times. fat and sassy spreading rumors through the grapevine. with any luck we'll still be up to our old ways. I continue to try and get people to log in....we are running out of time.Call people and ecourage the to at least log in and let us all know how they are doing. I put a photo of the Ranch on the "now" wife took her two dear friend and our classmate Jodie Rodda acted as the general contractor....Jodie has built half of Lakeland in the past 30 years...and my boys did a tremendous amount the work...wood work, stone walls and antique brick porches and sidewalks. For folks who have been living away from Lakeland, Ellen Sly is now one of Polk's Circuit Judges. Quite an accomplishment for a Crystal Lake girl! The odds were stacked against her...but she made it! I cried like a baby at her investiture ceremony. Dennis Ross has been, for some time now, one of the best legislators in State Government. He has focused on things that matter the, quality of life and cost of living....and he was one of us!Wogie and his family have taken Badcock to new heights and remain one of the premier employers in Florida. Many of our classmates have contributed significantly to the unbelievable success of Publix which sets a new record everyday. The LHS Class of 1977 has a lot to be proud of. We all helped shape each other. My life and the good fortune I have had in large part are a direct result of the friendships and my LHS experience.
Juli (Thompson) Warren
Posted on the 2007-09-23 at 20:00
Anyone remember "The Abbey?" Well - I've just opened up a restaurant and Night Club (on Friday & Saturday nights)called "Sassy's". Or as we lovingly referr to it as The Abbey's gone Sassy.... We would like to invite everyone out Friday Night after the party at the Magnolia Building to an AFTER PARTY at Sassy's. The band plays until 1:30! Special Drink prices for all LHS Alumni and no cover charge. Kevin and I are looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Dale Milligan Padgett
Posted on the 2007-09-23 at 20:00
I have had the best time going to our class reunion website. I am so impressed by the people in our class...well, basically, I think we have a lot of "class!" Just as I was thinking this, my 6th grade daughter said, "Mom, nobody cares about your hippy classmates..." WHAT??? I informed her that my big brother's class had the hippies. We were NOT the hippies. However, I do love the traits that seem to be true of our LHS class: carefree, genuine, outdoorsy, and we knew how to communicate BEFORE cell phones or computers. Just imagine that! Can't wait to see old friends and make new ones in a few weeks.
Marlene Hicks
Posted on the 2007-09-22 at 20:00
Well, I can't believe it-- I am not the only person from LHS class of '77 that does not look one bit older or heavier. And while I'm telling lies- I have spent the last 30 years in the lap of luxury and have done many amazingly important things ! (I'm hoping that no one remembers me so I can spread it on thick at the reunion)
Brenda Butler King
Posted on the 2007-09-22 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everybody Friday night. Can't wait to hear the band!!
Posted on the 2007-09-22 at 20:00
Isn't this a great web site! What a laugh! Cannot wait to see you!
Debbie Lang Watson
Posted on the 2007-09-22 at 20:00
Hi to the LHS class of 1977! Hope you all have a great time at the reunion. Reunion team you have done a great job! Also, please take me off the "lost" list.
Dennis Nutt
Posted on the 2007-09-19 at 20:00
I am looking forward to seeing everyone and making up for lost time. I can't believe we are this young or should I say we were this young. Suzanne and I are planning on attending the Friday and Saturday events.
Suzanne (Robson) Nutt
Posted on the 2007-09-19 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Lorae (Lori) Carter
Posted on the 2007-09-18 at 20:00
Well, The big weekend starts in two weeks...I still havent lost my "baby" weight LOL (my youngest is now 31 ) Oh well just more of me to love... Cant wait to see everyone, and hear stories of everyone life...See everyone Friday Night.
Nancy Barry
Posted on the 2007-09-18 at 20:00
Oh how things have changed over the past 30 yrs... I wasn't able to make it to my 20th year. I hope to see all my friends at this reunion, I know there will be a lot of laughs and some tears. My son is in college now, I can't seem to find where all this time has gone! Go Naughts!!! :)
Moody Chisholm
Posted on the 2007-09-18 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone. Scanned through all the messages here and saw lots of friends. Sad to see so many familiar names on the "In Memoriam" section, but we will raise a glass to them all. Thanks again to all those who have put so much time into getting a great program together.
Jeanne [Raymond] Butcher
Posted on the 2007-09-17 at 20:00
I'm glad my mom saw Amy when she needed some new glasses for my dad. She told me about the web site so I could find out when the reuion was and if I could make it.I look forward to seeing every one.We're only getting better not older.
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-09-17 at 20:00
I just listened to and read the lyrics to the 30th year reunion theme song. Pretty good stuff. Maybe Phoenix can go to and go to his myspace and learn "Love" or "The Everclear Song" which may bring back memories for some. Not me of course! Roger is my favorite. CPA turned singer/songwriter/ performer extaordinaire!
Holly Slama Hynds
Posted on the 2007-09-15 at 20:00
Hey you party animals, take me & my brother off the lost list, he is in Port St.Lucie, & I am in Lakeland,have been for 25 years! My husband (of 24 years!) & I are supposed to go to Atlanta that weekend so I'm not sure if I'll be attending the reunion or not, if not Keri can drink extra for me! cuz YES i'm still partying after all these years!!!! have fun!
Debby (Starling) Porter
Posted on the 2007-09-15 at 20:00
Hi everyone especially to all my fellow band nerds like me. I went from band nerd to band mom!! Wow that is hard to believe. Never thought 30 years ago that I would be a band mom. Time sure flies. Thanks to everyone on the hard work you have done on the website and the arrangements for everything. Looks like we will have alot of fun. Hope to see you there!! Deb
neil combee
Posted on the 2007-09-11 at 20:00
I cannot overstate how much I enjoy reading about where our classmates are these days and the highlights of our lives. I want to encourage everyone, whether they are able to attend any of the planned events or not, to let everyone know, via the guest book, how they are doing. I am satisfied that all of us have have encountered bumps in the road, but hey..... we are still in the game. I am sure that just like me, everyone smiles when they read about their classmates hometown, family, career etc. For those that will be attending; it gives everybody something to talk about.
Brenda King Besselsen
Posted on the 2007-09-09 at 20:00
Hello from Kansas City "We're off to see the wizard!" It is Brenda King. Just wanted to say "Hi to all and hope you have a great reunion" Sadly I will be unable to participate in the festivities but party hardy!! Yeah! Hey to my friends, Donna Parker and Fabianne, and all my other good friends you all know who you are we had some terriffic times! Do not forget them. Love, Brenda
David Lang
Posted on the 2007-09-08 at 20:00
Reading what Bruce wrote really hit home for me. He is so right about seeing old friends and getting reaquainted with people you haven't seen in ages! I had the luck of being in Los Angeles last week and spent the evening with my friend since 3rd grade, Liz Barret. Now Liz and I hadn't seen each other in about 15 years...gotta say, we had a great time catching up (the wine might have helped a bit...)and laughed all night about old times. The same goes for the Reunion Meetings...I've only made it to 2 meetings, but both times were quite enjoyable visiting with everyone (once again, I'm sure the wine helped!!!) Anyway, hope to see many of you in October, we'll have a great time catching up...and of course, drinking some wine!(geez, do I sound like some kind of alkie or what?)
Bruce Templin
Posted on the 2007-09-04 at 20:00
I remember when my Mom went to her 30th LHS Reunion (Of course at that time, I thought she was old as dirt and why funny how life comes at you QUICKLY! Anyhow, when she got home that night, she couldn't stop talking about how much fun she had, and how great it was to see everyone. I'm relaying this to those who may be on the fence about attending. Life really is about friends, family, and spending time together. I'm trying to get my brother Brian, and cousin Sandy to attend. I sure look forward to seeing ya'll. Go 'Naughts and GO Gators!
Allen Sale
Posted on the 2007-08-27 at 20:00
I plan to win the contest for who has gained the most weight and lost the most hair. Take me off the lost list. Im in Lakeland and haven't moved in 20 years.
Mary Watson Halter
Posted on the 2007-08-25 at 20:00
Thanks for sending an invitation to my parents home. I just heard about the Reunion last week. The last reunion I knew about was our 10th which was a lot of fun. We live in Ocala, FL now after years of traveling around the states and overseas to Japan. Can't wait to see everyone.
Lisa McClain Giovannucci
Posted on the 2007-08-24 at 20:00
October is almost here, can't wait.
Terry Chase
Posted on the 2007-08-22 at 20:00
I'm sorry I missed the 20 year reunion but hope to be there for this one. it's hard to believe it's been 30 years got to stop typing now my athritis is acting up
Kathi Clark Mathis
Posted on the 2007-08-19 at 20:00
You know we are all much too young to have been out of school '30' years! That's incredible. It will be good to see everyone.
Posted on the 2007-08-12 at 20:00
Greetings from N.E. Alabama! What a great website! Thanks to Shawn for directing me to it. I have missed the last reunions but hope to make it to this one.
Lam Tran
Posted on the 2007-08-08 at 20:00
Just got the postcard in the mail for the 30th class Reunion. Great job on the website. Feel free to contact me. Lam Tran Class of 77 West Palm Beach, Fl
Mike Brewington
Posted on the 2007-07-31 at 20:00
If old friends are good for the heart, Oct. should do us all good! Still in lakeland growing fat, old, and bald.
Karen Higdon Walter
Posted on the 2007-07-28 at 20:00
Did I read 30 year reunion? My how time flies when you are having fun and in the prime of your life. Kids are grown and now it's time for me and the hubby ( of 26 years) to have some fun, *wink *wink. Hope to make it to the reunion !!!! Hope to hear from old friends via email as well. Karen
Tracy Snyder Rembert
Posted on the 2007-07-28 at 20:00
Thanks to all that have done such a GREAT job on putting the reunion and website together. Looking forward to seeing everyone, esp. the band people. Tracy
Leslie (Murray) Stamps
Posted on the 2007-07-23 at 20:00
Is anyone (and his/her spouse) interested in playing some mixed doubles tennis Saturday morning of the reunion while others are playing golf? My husband and I play at a USTA 3.5 to 4.0 level ("A" level in Atlanta ALTA, for any of you familiar with the Atlanta tennis association). We can schedule a match if we can use the city courts.
John R Morgan
Posted on the 2007-06-29 at 20:00
WOW only 97 days left to loose the weight I promised I would starting in January :-( Thank God for Adkins! At least I still have all my hair! Looking forward to a great time. Living in Atlanta for 14 years now. Before that Dallas; before that Fort Lauderdale. Thanks Don and David for the mail. Just turned 48 on May 29th Happy Belated Birthday Lee Burrows and Teresa Posey and all those on the 28th and 30th we use to celebrate. Band, Latin Club, and Mrs Hershfield's classes I miss them all. Love, John
Keith Fowler
Posted on the 2007-05-27 at 20:00
I have missed all the other reunions and hope to get to the 30th. I've had a good 30 yrs and hope you all have too! After this one I hope I don't wait another 30 yrs for another reunion!
Stacey Cooper Marine
Posted on the 2007-05-23 at 20:00
How exciting to have a celebrity among us. Just saw David Lang on an airplane with Ellen Degeneres. Charades anyone???? Very cool David!!!!!!!!
Diane Miller (Goforth)
Posted on the 2007-05-21 at 20:00
Hello from Pensacola. Just sitting at work and recalling my high school days so I decided to do a search for a reunion. The pictures are great. Can't wait to see everyone.
Doris Wilson Dionne
Posted on the 2007-05-20 at 20:00
I just got home from watching my son graduate from LHS, Class of 77. I never thought that 30 years from when I walked on that stage and picked up my diploma, that I would be watching my son receive his diploma from my high school. What an experience. I felt both young and old at the same time. Go Dreadnaughts!
Kerrie Headson Collins
Posted on the 2007-05-06 at 20:00
I'm way too young to be this old....hope to see you guys in October :)
Kim Storlie Hanks
Posted on the 2007-05-02 at 20:00
I spent more time leaving school than staying in it. But I'll be at the reunion.
Georgette Edrington
Posted on the 2007-04-18 at 20:00
Bill Fusselle
Posted on the 2007-03-23 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing some REALLY old friends. I missed our 20th, but I plan to attend this one. Please make an effort to come. Our 10th was wonderful! Hope to see you all there.
robert johnson
Posted on the 2007-03-04 at 19:00
I can't seem to convince myself it has been 30 years. Most of you I knew from Southwest Junior High School like Tommy Cook, Wogie, Terri Carlton then knew you all at LHS. Time has flown by faster than I dared imagine. Some people say they would never like to go back in time but I'd be willing to give it a try. Anyone who wishes to write me I'd love to hear from you. I currently live in the Netherlands so I do not know if I can make the 30th anniversary but I'll definitely be there in spirit. I also noticed in the classmates section how so many of us have passed on. If I can't be there with all of you in October I'll light a candle for those who can't make it and also for those that can. I'm still a sentimental old fool, guess I always have been. All the best...Robert (bobby) Johnson
J.R. Villareal
Posted on the 2007-02-15 at 19:00
Sure is nice to see YOu all. From Dallas, Georgia !!!
Keith Fowler
Posted on the 2007-02-10 at 19:00
terri jackman sanders
Posted on the 2007-02-08 at 19:00
Being a part of the reunion committee meetings recently prompted me to drag out old scrapbooks and photos...those were THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!
Ellen Sly Masters
Posted on the 2007-02-07 at 19:00
Greetings and Best Wishes Classmates!!! Kathleen, please mark me off your "lost" list. I'll be there!
Tammy Walden
Posted on the 2007-02-01 at 19:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Oct. I hope to make it to one of the meetings before then. Great job on the site!!! Tammy
Kathleen Strain Delozier
Posted on the 2007-01-23 at 19:00
Happy New Year to Everyone. We are fixing to put out the OFFICIAL LOST part of the website. If you should know of anyone that is still in Lakeland or the wereabouts of anyone, please email me at Then the major hunt is on to find all 750 of us. Like Doris said if you haven't been to a reunion meeting, come join us. Look at the Photo Album marked Reunion and see what fun we have. Looking forward to hearing from everyone and a Great XXX Reunion. Social Butterfly, Kathleen
Mary Cooper (Herrick)
Posted on the 2007-01-19 at 19:00
I think this site is so great. I have been trying to get Cindy Ballenger to get on here. But no luck so far. I'll keep trying though. I can't believe how many of our classmates have passed away. So many of them that I knew in school................Well, everyone take care. I would love to hear from some of my old classmates. Mary.
Doris Wilson Dionne
Posted on the 2007-01-12 at 19:00
If you haven't made it to a reunion meeting, you're missing out. This is your opportunity to meet your fellow alumni before the big event and become reacquainted. Everything is coming together and it is great feeling to be a part of the process. Great food, great company at our mini-reunions so make it a point to show up at the next one. See you there!
Kelly (Lackner) Lewis
Posted on the 2007-01-09 at 19:00
I can't believe its been 30 years... Looking forward to seeing everyone since we didn't make it to the 20th.
Sam Swearingen
Posted on the 2007-01-08 at 19:00
Amazing site. Hola to all, hope to see everyone soon. Is anyone else in Atlanta?
Rene` Richardson Skinner
Posted on the 2007-01-08 at 19:00
Hey! from Orlando,will be there in October.
Pam Franklin Seavers
Posted on the 2007-01-08 at 19:00
I love the map! Thanks Keith.
Kevin Moore
Posted on the 2007-01-07 at 19:00
Three decades wow!Was already in the navy by the senior year.Hello to those who remember me.Should retire from McIntosh power plant in 2009.Remember the future by honoring the past.
susan adams moore
Posted on the 2007-01-07 at 19:00
Meg Wallace (Batts)
Posted on the 2006-12-26 at 19:00
This website is a great idea! It's hard to believe we were all so young once upon a time. Believe it or not, I will be a grandmother this May. How is that possible?!?!?
Sid (Smith) Brand
Posted on the 2006-12-22 at 19:00
Great website - great job Shawn! Thanks to Scott for letting me know - I always knew he could spread it around. I can't believe we've gotten this fancy. I'll be there from Savannah to see all my ex-con friends, etc.
april (robbins)
Posted on the 2006-12-20 at 19:00
Is everybody thinking the same thing I am, thoughts of diets and nipping/tucking and a bit of lipo here and there?
Kathy Harrison
Posted on the 2006-12-13 at 19:00
I've really enjoyed the website and looking at all the old (and new) pictures. Good work everybody!
Posted on the 2006-12-11 at 19:00
wow... was my hair really that long? some of you guys have special drugs because you have not aged like the rest of us! need to share! look forward to seeing a few of you at Kathleen's dad house in Jan. 07'
Liz Barrett
Posted on the 2006-12-08 at 19:00
Say it isn't so... 30 years have gone by?? Nah...can't be. I can't wait til next October. Let me know if there's anything I can do from way out here in Southern Cal. to help out. Go Dreadnaughts! Go Gators!
Randy Wheeler
Posted on the 2006-11-15 at 19:00
Excellent website! As I was browsing the photos of the Reunion Team meetings, my first thought was, "who are these OLD people???" It didn't take long for reality to set in, "THEY is US!" Since I was a Band Geek back in those days, I'll rummage around for some Band photos to post. In the meantime, having a Bombay Sapphire in our honor--cheers!
Scot Myhr
Posted on the 2006-11-09 at 19:00
Sorry we'll miss the 30th. We live overseas and will only be home from June-Aug. I loved the first two. Great job on the website!!!!! Lots of time spent, I'm sure. Looking forward to the 30th photos.
Karen Baldwin Balala
Posted on the 2006-11-03 at 19:00
Hello All...I too have missed our past reunions and look forward to attending my first. Shawn and the rest of the team have done a wonderful job on this site for all of us to be able to reconnect. Thanks so much. I'm living in JAX now after spending forever in Kansas. I look forward to seeing each of you and wish you all the best!
Lenay Sturm Langston
Posted on the 2006-11-01 at 19:00
This web-site is great, thanks for all the time you all put into it. Wow! yes 30 years ago we all graduated boy does time fly. I am going to try and make it in October it will be fun to see old friends. Does anyone know how to get into with Debe Messenger these days would love to talk to her.
Don Watson
Posted on the 2006-11-01 at 19:00
Hey David Lang, Got you message. I resigned from TSA in Apr 04. I am a Revenue Officer for the IRS now in Orlando. Work out of the Maitland Office.
Pam Franklin
Posted on the 2006-10-31 at 19:00
Doris, the logo looks great! Thanks for all your creative energy.
Leslie (Murray) Stamps
Posted on the 2006-10-30 at 19:00
This web site is amazing! Thanks to all who are working on this and the reunion. I can't wait to see everyone in October. It sure will be hard for us to recognize each other, though!
Leopold Lacrimosa
Posted on the 2006-10-30 at 19:00
I graduated 30 yrs ago??? Man, I'm old!! But so are you guys!!! :-)
Lorae (Lorre') Carter
Posted on the 2006-10-24 at 20:00
Great site you guys. Moved back here to Lakeland about 4 years ago. And lovin it...And I said I would NEVER be back LOLOL never say never. Enjoyed going thru the yearbook pics...brought back lots of memories, and giggled at most..... nice to see faces i havent see since 10th grade....
Robert Johnson
Posted on the 2006-10-24 at 20:00
My picture never appeared in the 1977 yearbook (and I never knew why) but I graduated in the 1977 class of LHS. I am currently living in the Netherlands and have lived here for almost 10 years now. I work for a software/hardware company.
Mike Criss
Posted on the 2006-10-17 at 20:00
This web site is really cool. I think the head geek did a great job. Looking forward to seeing and hearing from "old" friends.
Elaine Black Miller
Posted on the 2006-10-16 at 20:00
Looking forward to coming down for the reunion, missed the other two due to my military commitments. Any VETs please get in touch... See you in a year.
Debbie Culley (Dee)
Posted on the 2006-10-16 at 20:00
I would like to say hi to all my friends at LHS. The years have sure flew by. Those were the good ole days. Hope all of you are well and hope to hear from my friends soon.
Tony McMahon
Posted on the 2006-09-29 at 20:00
David Partin and I plan on breakin' out of Raiford in time to make the reunion. Hey Jodi, I still have the blue jeans that you embroidered for me (unfortunately I can't fit in 'em anymore:( Looking forward to seeing everyone... and Go Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jodi Knobel Feuerhelm
Posted on the 2006-09-15 at 20:00
Hello All: Debbie Arnold (Velthuizen) called me the other evening to let me know about this website. My family just got back from visiting hers in Connecticut about a month ago. I will probably attend the reunion and hope to hear from some of you! Jodi Knobel Feuerhelm
Stacey Marine (Cooper)
Posted on the 2006-08-29 at 20:00
Hey from Orlando. I am looking forward to a fun time at the reunion. It's amazing how fast the years have gone by.
Mary Herrick
Posted on the 2006-08-25 at 20:00
Hi All. Yes, it is really hard to believe that it has been 30 yrs. since graduating. I have never been to a reunion, but I am planning on going to the 30 yr. one. I hope someone will let me know when. Thanks.
Kay Hayes (Wroten)
Posted on the 2006-08-21 at 20:00
Missed the 20th but looking forward to the 30th. It will definitely be a guessing game.
julie- lewis- stanley ( garvie)
Posted on the 2006-08-17 at 20:00
Hope life has been good to you all - looking forward to the reunion. Still here in lakeland after all these years - Whopee.
scott schiltz
Posted on the 2006-08-13 at 20:00
I went to the 2nd planning meeting at Dana Lees Brown's house. I would encourage anyone who can make it, to come to the meetings. Great food, drink and even better to spend some quality time with old friends.
Keith Hicks
Posted on the 2006-08-09 at 20:00
Greetings from Charlotte, NC. Glad to see Partin got his Internet privileges back at Raiford prison.
Brenda Wilson
Posted on the 2006-08-09 at 20:00
I missed the first two reunions but am looking forward to this one. I am still in Lakeland (looks like not too many of us stayed around here!)
Diane Penn Jordan
Posted on the 2006-08-07 at 20:00
Oh the memories !! 30 years, who would've thought.........
Posted on the 2006-08-06 at 20:00
Leslie (Ratcliff) Jones
Posted on the 2006-08-05 at 20:00
It's hard to believe 30 years have gone by since we graduated! Can't wait to see everybody.
Kurt A. Skau
Posted on the 2006-07-27 at 20:00
It will be fun trying to guess who everyone is after 30 years.
Terri Carlton (Baer)
Posted on the 2006-07-17 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone again! Anyone currently living in Austin?
David Partin
Posted on the 2006-07-16 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone and trying to remember everyone's names after 30 years.