Reunion Planning
The Nulli Secundus Society, minus Julie Stanley Garvey, at our 45th Class Reunion.
The Nulli Secundus Society, minus Julie Stanley Garvey, at our 45th Class Reunion.
to the
Nulli Secundus Society

Calling this dedicated group of classmates our "Reunion Planning Committee" just didn't provide the true recognition they deserved. These  individuals worked together for a year to create our amazing 45th Class Reunion. Many traveled long distances or participated on Zoom to join in on our monthly planning meetings that, on a few occasions, even became heated discussions in our efforts to present the best reunion possible. For this reason, Chair Mary E. Richard early on dubbed this committee as the "Nulli Secundus Society" for being second to none in contributing their time, energy, creativity, and talents on behalf of their fellow classmates.

Our reunion planning began a year in advance with some individuals taking lead roles and others on hand to lend their thoughts, ideas, and opinions at our meetings or participated or contributed from afar. All were valuable assets in putting together our amazing and highly successful 45h Classs Reunion and are owed a debt of gratitude from our class.

The Nulli Secundus Society for our 45th Class Reunion included:

  • Dawn Rarick Anspaugh
  • Liz Barrett
  • Debbi Kippenberger Carter
  • Mike Carter
  • Doris Dionne
  • Dean Erskine
  • Cynthia Diane Miller Goforth
  • Beth Guskay
  • Tayloe Harding
  • Keith Hicks
  • Julie Stanley Garvey
  • Suki Westra Janisch
  • Doris Jones
  • Tony McMahon
  • John R. Morgan
  • Joan Peterson
  • Denise Barnett Phillips
  • Gary Powell
  • Nancy Pridmore
  • Leslie Ratcliff Jones
  • Beth Rewis
  • Mary E. Richard, Chair
  • Allen Sale
  • Scott Schiltz
  • Susan Lambe Spicker
  • Nancy Calabro Stone
  • Bruce Templin
  • Leon Thomas
  • Don Watson
  • Amy Yarbrough Whitham
  • Shawn Eady Wilson

This group certainly proved our reunion theme of "Naught Done Yet" as truth. So the next time you encounter one of these classmates, be sure to thank them for all their hardwork on your behalf. 


Join Our Ranks & Volunteer for
Our 50th Class Reunion

Our 50th Class Reunion will take place in 2027 and we will once again need a dedicated group of classmates to volunteer in the creation of what we hope will be an even bigger and better reunion than those of the past. 

If you'd like to be a part of this planning, be on the watch in 2026 for our committee recruitment. As a Nulli Secundus Society Member, you'll get closer to classmates you already knew and create friendships with others you never imagined. We work hard to make our committee meetings fun and inclusive of all. And we'd welcome your input.

The countdown has already begun to the LHS Class of '77's 50th Class Reunion so plan ahead and join in the fun!